LG Ladakh reviews working of various departments


LEH: Lt Governor R K Mathur on Tuesday called review meetings of the departments of Cooperatives, Labour and Employment and Youth Services and Sports.Advisor Umang Narula, Administrative Secretary Ravinder Kumar, District Magistrate Sachin Kumar Vaishya and department HoDs attended the meeting at Raj Niwas.Discussing the important role of Cooperatives Department in providing an inclusive growth to the farmers of Ladakh, the LG directed the Department to draft a plan of action for commercializing the post-harvest yields of agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. Further, he emphasized on the importance of value addition to Ladakh’s Pashmina for the benefit of the nomads of Changthang (Ladakh).The LG discussed the need for setting up of the Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (BOCWWB) for the well being of the labourers working in the UT of Ladakh and also suggested standardization of minimum wages and digitization of registration and other procedures.Secretary for Youth Services and Sports, Ravinder Kumar appraising LG Mathur of developments, informed that the department has completed procurement of 90% of all required sports equipments for schools and that works are underway for the remaining.Mathur instructed the department to put major emphasis on development of sports infrastructure, especially development of Ice Hockey rinks which should be functional round the year in both the districts. He also directed the department to develop an Astro Turf and Synthetic track similar to the one being constructed in Leh for Kargil too.Further, to encourage sports and to provide a readily available infrastructure for all, he stated that the department must work on building an Indoor stadium with provisions for different kinds of sport.The Department of Employment was instructed to set up of a Model Career Center at both the District Employment and Counseling centers at Leh and Kargil under the National Career Service Project, Union Ministry of Labour and Employment.The LG also discussed matters pertaining to up gradation of job seekers’ data, updated employment data of Ladakh to be reflected in the national level statistical report and development of an employment portal for UT Ladakh.