National Lok Adalat to be held on 13 May in Srinagar


Srinagar 05-Apr, : District Legal service Authority Srinagar is going to Organise One day National Lok Adalat at District court Complex Srinagar.Secretary DLSA Fozia Paul told CNS that as per NALSA Calendar Activities, District Legal Services Authority Srinagar is organizing 2 National Lok Adalat on 13th May in the premises of District Court Complex Moominabad Srinagar.She further added, those Parties or their Advocates, whose cases are pending before any Court at District Court Complex Moominabad Srinagar or before the Court of Additional Mobile Magistrate (TFC) Panthachowk and are desirous to settle their cases/ claims /matters through the above scheduled Lok Adalat shall approach the concerned Courts by or before 01-05-2023.Besides, the parties whose cases are not pending (i.e. Pre Litigation matters) in any court but are desirous to settle their disputes can also approach Office of the District Legal Services Authority Srinagar on any working day by or before 01-05-2023, So that their cases, claims or matters are processed & referred to the 2nd National Lok Adalat for settlement