NC delegation meets Delimitation Commission, presented memorandum


A National Conference delegation led by Provincial President, Jammu province Mr. Devender Singh Rana comprising Mr. Surjeet Singh Slathia, Mr. Ajay Kumar Sadhotra, Mr. Sajjad Ahmed Kitchloo and Mr. Javed Ahmed Rana met the Delimitation Commission here this evening and presented a memorandum. The text of the memorandum is appended herewitTo,Hon’ble Justice (Retd) Ranjana Prakash Desai,Chairperson,Delimitation Commission, J&K.Subject:- Memorandum of the J&K National Conference, Jammu ProvinceHon’ble Madam,Jammu & Kashmir is at the cross roads of History.We have been and are a strong votary of strengthening democracy in Jammu and Kashmir. We always espouse the cause of the people of Jammu and Kashmir as per their aspirations which are diverse and multidimensional.Any Delimitation process has a vital role in empowering each constituent to be an equal share holder in the process of democracy so that each one feels empowered and not feels relegated, isolated, disconnected or disempowered.This Delimitation Commission in the circumstances that it has been constituted is unique and its findings can have far reaching consequences in shaping the future of Jammu and Kashmir. History will judge its decision and our role critically and if we fail we shall fail our people and the Nation as a whole.We are confident that the Delimitation Commission shall work in the most transparent , judicious and fair manner providing justice to all in delimiting the constituencies as per the constitutional framework based on the basic tenants of Delimitation – population, geography, topography, area, physical features, contiguity, convenience of administrative units and facilities of easy communication and approachability of public convenience.We feel that decentralisation should form core of democracy, all regions or sub-regions crave for equal role in the governance where no one should nurture a feeling of subservience or discrimination.We are for the singular, inclusive Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir is a model of unity in diversity, but each region and sub region has its own diverse characteristics and thereby peculiar needs and demands which need to be addressed by the Delimitation Commission in a manner that everyone feels involved and democratically empowered.Jammu region with an area of 26293 Km2 and population of 53,50,811 (as per 2011 census which is the basis of this Delimitation Commission) is a pluralistic society with multi ethnicity, linguistic diversity and has representation of various castes and creeds. Jammu and its sub regions (whether it is the plains of Jammu or the hills of Poonch-Rajouri or the erstwhile Doda District comprising Kishtwar, Doda and Ramban) feel alienated and have a sense of deprivation.This Delimitation Commission must give its due to all parts of Jammu region so that our commitment for the equitable empowerment of all regions and sub regions does not get dented.There are also geographical and topographical challenges in Jammu region and certain areas are far flung, inaccessible , remote, backward and mountainous and so a need to address their issues in a manner that they can also be equal partners in the process of democracy by being able to conveniently exercise their franchise.Representation particularly in the far flung , rural areas must be judiciously decided so that there is accessibility and ease of public delivery to enable effective governance and approachability of public representatives.The Scheduled Caste Communities, the Scheduled Tribes of the region must get adequate judicious representation. Reservation should be based on settled criterion which should be followed in a transparent manner to ensure that the faith of the people is maintained in the institution of the Delimitation Commission.We are sure that justice will come to Jammu and Kashmir and to the Jammu region through the Commission.On behalf of the J&K National Conference, Jammu Province represented here before you by Shri Surjeet Singh Slathia, Shri Ajay Kumar Sadhotra, Shri Sajjad Ahmed Kitchloo, Shri Javed Ahmed Rana and self, I hereby submit this Memorandum before your Hon’ble self.Thanking you,Yours faithfully,Sd/-Devender Singh RanaProvincial President,J&K National Conference, Jammu province