Of 19 involved in Pulwama attack, 8 killed, 7 arrested: ADGP Vijay Kumar


Srinagar, CNS,14-Feb;On the fourth anniversary of Pulwama attack, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Kashmir Zone, Vijay Kumar on Tuesday said that out of 19 militants involved in the attack, 8 have been killed, 7 arrested and 4 including 3 Pakistanis are still alive.After paying tributes to the slain CRPF men, ADGP Kumar while interacting with media persons said that the security forces have broken base of Jaish-e-Muhammad in Kashmir as almost all their top commanders have been neutralized.”At present JeM has only 7-8 locals and 5-6 active Pakistanis including Mossa Solaimani, and police will never allow them to flourish again”,ADGP saidHe also said the cases registered against OGWs involved in such activities are being disposed of at a rapid pace.”The number of such cases have reduced from 1600 in October last year to 950 at present and 13 convictions have also been made so far.”He further said that a total of 37 local militants are presently active and that only two among them including Farooq Nalli and Riyaz Chatri are old while rest were new recruits.