Jammu Kashmir PM Modi says what happened in Cooch Behar is saddening, ‘new low’ for Didi April 10, 2021 0 95 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmail Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the violence in Cooch Behar during the fourth phase election in West Bengal in which four voters, including an 18-year-old, were shot dead in separate incidents, was very unfortunate.“My condolences are with their family members. Didi and her goons have become jittery seeing the people’s support in favour of BJP. Seeing her rule coming to an end, didi has stooped to this level. But I would like to make it clear to the TMC that this won’t work in Bengal. I urge the ECI t take stern actions against the guilty in the Cooch Behar case,” PM Modi said adding, “This violence, inciting people against the central forces and creating hindrances in the poll process won’t be able to save you didi”.A first-time voter in Cooch Behar’s Sitalkuchi assembly constituency was shot dead at around 8am and two persons have been arrested in this connection. BJP has claimed that 18-year-old Ananda Barman was a BJP supporter, while the Trinamool claimed Barman was shot by the BJP.In a separate incident, CISF opened fire in retaliation when villagers attacked them based on some “rumours”, which resulted in the deaths of other voters. The Election Commission stopped polling at Sitalkuchi and sought a report by 5pm.