PSPS Govt College for Women conducts cleanliness drive as part of G-20 activities


JAMMU, MAY 15: The Padma Shri Padma Sachdev Government College for Women on Monday conducted a cleanliness drive on the college campus as part of the G-20 activities aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and responsible waste management. The event brought together over 100 students, faculty members, and staff volunteers.The cleanliness drive was organized by the G-20 club in collaboration with the college administration and received support from the G-20 committee members responsible for environmental sustainability. The event was aimed at raising awareness about the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment, and to promote the responsible management of waste and litter.During the cleanliness drive, volunteers picked up litter and garbage from various areas on the college campus, including classrooms, lecture halls, and the cafeteria. The volunteers also planted trees and plants in designated areas of the campus, as part of the effort to promote sustainability and green practices.