Coal Ministry to Organize Interactive Seminar in Mumbai on “Just Transition Roadmap” As side Event of 3rd ETWG Meeting under G20 Presidency of India


14MAY,: The Ministry of Coal is to organize a seminar on the Just Transition Roadmap, in collaboration with Coal India Limited (CIL) under the G20 Presidency of India in Mumbai on 15th May 2023. To be organized at the Jio World Convention Centre, the seminar will be held as side event of the 3rd ETWG meeting of the G20 Presidency of India.Ministry of Coal is one of the participating ministries in the ETWG deliberations of the G20. The first meeting of ETWG was held in Bengaluru in February, and the second in Gandhinagar, Gujarat in April, 2023. The deliberations on energy transition related issues will continue in the 3rd the ETWG meeting in Mumbai from 15th to 17th May, 2023.The Seminar on Just Transition Roadmap will have two sessions; i.e., inaugural session, which will be followed by panel discussion session. Coal Secretary Shri Amrit Lal Meena will chair and moderate the panel discussion and inaugural sessions. The World Bank and Central Mine Planning and Design Institute (CMPDI) will also deliver presentations on the Just Transition aspects during the seminar. The Seminar aims to facilitate an inclusive dialogue among key stakeholders. Recognizing the need for a balanced approach towards sustainability, this seminar will explore strategies and initiatives to ensure a smooth and equitable transition from fossil fuels especially coal-dependent economies to more sustainable energy sources without compromising energy security of the nation.During the seminar, a video highlighting Sustainable & Environment-Friendly Initiatives in Coal Sector will be showcased. The study report on Best Global Practices for Just Transition in Coal Sector and three booklets on Bio-reclamation/Plantation, Eco-parks/Mine Tourism, and G20 Special Edition of MineTech on Just Transition will also be released.