TDB-DST approves support to M/s MLIT-18 Technology Private Limited; the company aims to commercialize Machine Vision and Robotics System for Automation in Manufacturing Industry”


Innovative solutions that unite Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are going to be the key stone for next generation industrial revolution. The Government of India under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister organized “RAISE-2020” to focus Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the key for digital economy and started many programs with a vision to ‘Make AI in India and Make AI work for India’. To support this Government initiative, Department of Science & Technology has implemented the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS), which is implemented through 25 Technology Innovation Hubs across India.To further enable this, Technology Development Board has now entered into an agreement with the company M/s MLIT-18 Technology Private Limited for “Commercialization of Machine Vision and Robotics System for Automation in Manufacturing Industry”. The board has pledged a support of ₹4.12 Crores out of the total project cost of ₹5.89 Crores. The company is incubated at the Startup Incubation and Innovation Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.The company has indigenously developed solutions which will be a direct substitute to the Quality Assurance and Inspection system for industrial automation in manufacturing industries and railways. In the project under TDB support, the company has proposed an import substitute for many major automation solutions like wagon inspection, thermal detection in mining industries, sieve analysis and pre-delivery inspection in automobile industry. The working system is already deployed at the customer sites like Ultratech (Aditya Birla), Birla copper unit, Mahindra Igatpuri etc. The entire design, algorithm and assembly in the developed product is indigenous. The company has a manufacturing site at Maharashtra for the realization of AI and robotics systems in the automation industry and railway.