Jamia Masjid remains closed for Friday Prayers, Devotees aghast


    Srinagar, 04-Feb: No congregational prayers were offered at Srinagar’s Jamia Masjid – the grand mosque of Kashmir for the 27th consecutive Friday.Eyewitnesses said that the prayers were not offered as authorities had locked the main gate of the mosque with armed forces personnel deployed in front of it.The spokesman said that authorities have been preventing the Muslims to perform important duties as Friday prayers, terming it as “deplorable and condemnable”.“Today, once again in the morning, the authorities and the police bared the Auqaf employees from opening up the gates of the mosque and thus preventing the locals and the people having come from various parts of the Valley to perform their Friday prayers at their beloved mosque,” he said.Meanwhile, people alleged that the ‘dual policy’ adopted by administration is confusing as on one hand it has closed worship places and are yet to reopen educational institutions while on the other hand, tourist resorts are open and the administration and political parties are holding functions, Sports tournaments and other melas are being held in the valley.“The pulpit of the largest religious place and spiritual centre of Kashmir, Jamia Masjid Srinagar, continues to be silent for the 27th Friday now which otherwise would reverberate with the teachings of Qaal Allah Wa Qaala Rasool (SAW) by the Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir”, devotees added.“It’s ironic that on one hand all concerns regarding Covid are being ignored when it comes to asking people to participate in official functions while restrictions are being imposed on Friday prayers and worship in central mosques, shrines and imambaras where Covid SOPs are being fully followed,” one of the devotee said.Mohsin Ahmad,27, who lives in Rajouri kadal, a neighbourhood close to the mosque, said the authorities considered congregation of Kashmiris “a threat”.“Each and every time the only target is Jamia, being the largest mosque in a Muslim-majority place, it is placed under curbs for months together now,” Ahmad told “The right to practise our religion is guaranteed by the constitution. But it is being violated in Kashmir again and again.”“Earlier, the pretext of pandemic was employed to prevent Muslims from offering Friday prayers at Jamia Masjid. It stands completely exposed today. It is extremely unfortunate and disdainful of the authorities to disallow Muslims of the Valley from praying at the central mosque,” said another female devotee.“The bliss inJamia Masjid remains closed for Friday Prayers, Devotees aghast praying at the Jamia Masjid is hard to feel anywhere else. I miss being there,” she added.Various political parties have asked for immediate opening of Jamia Masjid Srinagar for devotees that has been closed for Friday prayers for long. (CNS)

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