Home Jammu Kashmir About 33 lakh paddy farmers benefitted from Kharif Marketing Season Procurement Operations...

About 33 lakh paddy farmers benefitted from Kharif Marketing Season Procurement Operations with MSP value of over Rs.63,563 crore.

In the ongoing Kharif Marketing Season (KMS) 2020-21, Government continues to procure Kharif 2020-21 crops at its Minimum Support Price-MSP from farmers as per its existing MSP Schemes. About 32.92 lakh paddy farmers have benefitted from Kharif Marketing Season  Procurement Operations with MSP value of over  63 thousand 563 crore rupees.

Agriculture Ministry in a statement said that paddy procurement for Kharif 2020-21 has progressed smoothly in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Chandigarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala,Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha Madhya Pradesh, Mah arashtra and Bihar. It said , over 336 Lakh Metric Tonnes  of paddy have been procured against the last year corresponding purchase of around 280 Lakh Metric Tonnes.

This shows an increase of 20.27 per cent  over last year. Out of the total purchase of over  336 Lakh Metric Tonnes, Punjab alone has purchased 202.77 Lakh Metric Tonnes till the close of procurement season in the state on 30th of last month. It  is 60.23 per cent of total procurement in the country.

The Ministry said, approval was accorded for procurement of 45.24 Lakh Metric Tonnes  of Pulse and Oilseeds of Kharif Marketing Season 2020 for the States of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh under Price Support Scheme.
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