Home Jammu Kashmir DLSA G’bl organizes Legal awareness program for women

DLSA G’bl organizes Legal awareness program for women


Ganderbal,11-Mar,; As part of Pan India programme, launched by National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) in collaboration with National Commission for Women (NCW) from 4th of March, 2023 to 11th of March, 2023 and under the directions of J&K Legal Services Authority, District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Ganderbal today organized Legal Awareness programme for women on the topics “Family Law, Civil & Criminal Laws, Labour Laws, Women & Reproductive Health Rights” at CDPO, ICDS Office Kangan. The programme was held under the Chairmanship of Ritesh Kumar Dubey Chairman District Legal Services Authority Ganderbal and under the guidance of Ms. Nusrat Ali Hakak, Secretary District Legal Services Authority Ganderbal.The program was attended by officials of DLSA Ganderbal, Panel Lawyers of DLSA Ganderbal, Ms. Naureen, BPM NRLM Wakoora, Ms. Sobiya, Social Worker of Women’s cell, PLVs, Aganwadi workers & Helpers, Members of Self Help Groups, and local women.

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