Home Jammu Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir: Dir Horticulture distributes certificates among trainees

Jammu and Kashmir: Dir Horticulture distributes certificates among trainees

Director Horticulture Kashmir, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat today distributed certificates to trainees whocompleted training course in Fruit Preservation Techniques at Food & Vegetable Craft Centre, Lal Mandi,Srinagar.


Director Horticulture Kashmir, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat today distributed certificates to trainees whocompleted training course in Fruit Preservation Techniques at Food & Vegetable Craft Centre, Lal Mandi,Srinagar.

The training course was attended by 40 candidates all of whom successfully completed the course.Onthis occasion, Director Horticulture in presence of Chief Canning Instructor, Kashmir addressed theparticipant trainees and gave introduction of centrally sponsored schemes for establishment of Fruit &Vegetable Preservation units.He also gave the introduction of Prime Ministers Formalization of MicroFood Processing Enterprises Scheme which is being implemented under “Atmanirbhar BharatAbhiyan”.The Department of Horticulture is conducting short term training programmes for thedevelopment of Post-Harvest and Value Addition of Fruit & Vegetables enterprise at Micro level.

Later Director Horticulture chaired a send off meeting which was organized for the farewell of Imtiyaz Ahmad, Section Officer Directorate of Horticulture Kashmir.He applauded his contribution in the organization and his working with honesty, zeal, enthusiasm and full dedication.

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