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Jammu and Kashmir: Rs 103 cr WB flood mitigation project picks up pace

After some initial hiccups, the World Bank funded project to revamp 49 dewatering pumps across Srinagar has been picking up in full swing.


After some initial hiccups, the World Bank funded project to revamp 49 dewatering pumps across Srinagar has been picking up in full swing.

Under the Rs 103 crore project, the administration is all set to complete upgradation of 49 dewatering pumps so that Srinagar that saw worst every floods in 2014, will be equipped to deal with flood situations and consequent water logging.Officials associated with the project said that the multi-crore project slowed down due to various reasons in the past but is going on in full swing now.“The project is very vital when it comes to flood mitigation and our preparation for floods. The project will give us best technical support by upgrading our dewatering pumps,” an official said.The officials said that the dewatering pumps during floods were rendered defunct as soon as they got submerged which had made the situation worse.

The new upgraded dewatering stations being built are of the latest technology. They will work in flood like situations while being immersed in water. In addition to this all the electronic panels on these stations will be situated one meter above the highest flood level (HFL) of 2014 which will save the system from getting defunct. The staff will also be situated at HFL which is important for the proper functioning,” they said.The officials said that the work on dewatering pumps, electronic panels, swamps and other components is going on and many components have been completed at various places. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, who is heading the World Bank funded projects in J&K said that the aim of the project is to strengthen the existing weak and vulnerable urban flood infrastructure.

“The project will include renovation of old pumping machinery including electro-mechanical equipment. New project will ensure that the machine floor level is at least one meter above the highest flood level recorded in 2014,” he said.The officials said that most of the civil work of the project will be completed by December end and rest of the work will be completed by early 2021.The project is expected to benefit 5 lakh people living in low lying areas of Srinagar.In Srinagar, the drainage systems are managed by 84 dewatering stations at various low lying locations.It is relevant to mention that the upgradation work of around 23 dewatering pumps has already been completed by the ERA under the project funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) with ERA as implementation agency.

Now with upgradation of 49 dewatering stations through the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project, the overall drainage and flood preparation of administration will get a much needed overhaul.

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