India to host 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and 8th Mission Innovation meeting alongside G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial in Goa in July 2023


26May,Delhi: The 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and 8th Mission Innovation meeting (CEM14/MI-8) will be held in Goa during 19th to 22nd of July, 2023. Scheduled on the margins of the G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting, the theme for CEM-14 / MI-8 is “Advancing Clean Energy Together”. This year’s Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and Mission Innovation (MI) meetings will bring together governments, international organizations, private sector, academia, innovators, civil society, early career researchers and policymakers over a four-day program featuring high-level ministerial dialogues, global initiative launches, award announcements, minister-CEO roundtables and a wide array of side-events cutting across diverse themes of clean energy transition. CEM14 / MI8 will also feature a public-facing technology showcase demonstrating cutting-edge advances in clean energy from India and around the world. The Ministerial plenaries are scheduled for July 21, 2023, while back-to-back G20 Energy Transition Ministerial Meeting will be held on July 22.Under the theme of ” Advancing Clean Energy Together”, high-level roundtables, side-events and technology showcases would enable stakeholders to accelerate the deployment of clean energy by encouraging development of policies and programmes which advance clean energy technology and solutions around the world.At an event held in the Power Ministry in New Delhi yesterday, the Union Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R. K. Singh and Union Science & Technology Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh together launched the website and logo for the 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and 8th Mission lnnovation meetings. The website can be accessed here: The website provides information on delegate registration, program overview, speakers’ details, participant and member portals and more.